In such unprecedented times, and with mental health support very much in the foreground, VDC has a new and innovative, in-person workshop on Mental Health Training that we don’t want you to miss. You can find out more here.
To be held at the VET Development Centre on 6 May 2022, 9:00 am – 12:00 pm, Nadine Hantke is bringing us an interactive experience, with role plays and actor-based simulations. And a professional actor will be in attendance for part of the workshop. During this workshop, participants will learn the ins and outs of mental health training simulations – with a focus on the sensitivities and precautions involved.
Understanding the theory of mental health is one thing but knowing how to help those experiencing a mental health crisis is a totally different ballpark. How do we know what to do if we can’t get experience, you may ask? By implementing role play and acting – we can bring mental health teaching to life. But like any conversation around mental health, this topic can be sensitive.
Participating in this program gives a deeper understanding of actor-based processes. It also will teach the suitability for simulations – in-person or online – and when it’s best to use them, as well as the risks and benefits of simulations. There’s a chance to improve your knowledge and skills in script writing too, and the experience of a live simulation during the workshop cannot be overstated.
Participants can expect to gain a good understanding and hands-on experience in what actor-based simulations and role plays are – as well as when to best utilize them, how to best prepare for and implement them, and the important considerations to be made in these situations.
Are you a VET teacher or trainer? Is your organisation interested in, or are in the planning, implementing or evaluating phase of mainly actor-based simulations? Then this workshop could be right up your alley.
Readers can register here to attend.