Just over 47,600 were invited to complete the survey and nearly 11,300 did. Most (8,851) studied at private providers, 1,933 studied at TAFE and the majority of the remainder (320) through community education providers.
It’s worth comparing these findings with those for domestic VET students too.
Why they study
Overall, most (68.3%) are studying for employment-related reasons, although this figure is well below that for domestic graduates at about 85%. There were differences between provider types, though, with:
“A higher proportion of graduates from TAFE (70.1%) and private training providers (69.4%) undertook training for employment-related reasons compared with those from universities (61.8%) and community education providers (28.4%).”
About 26% of international onshore VET graduates undertook training for personal reasons, with the highest proportion of these studying at community education providers, around 64%, when compared to the other provider types.
Only about 6% of international onshore VET graduates undertook training to get into another course of study and, of these, the highest proportion studied at universities (17.5%) and the lowest, around 5% at private providers.
The good news is that about 88% fully or partly achieved their main reason for training and was highest for those studying for personal reasons or to access further study – with those studying at community education providers being particularly successful.
Employment outcomes
In all, 68.3% of international onshore VET graduates were employed after training and 56.2% of them improved their employment status after training. But at least one barrier to employment was reported by almost all of them – 92.4% in fact. The main barriers included not having permanent residency or a work visa (47.6%), having insufficient work experience (34.3%), not knowing where to look for a job or language problems/language barriers (both nearly 20%).
How satisfied were they?
Satisfaction levels with the overall quality of training are generally high at 84.5%, with the highest levels of satisfaction (96%) amongst graduates of community education providers. Nearly 85% of international graduates would also recommend their providers and 87.5% would recommend the training.
These satisfaction levels are similar, but slightly lower, than those for domestic graduates (86.8%). But a greater proportion of domestic graduates would recommend their training provider (89.6%), and their training (91%). Satisfaction with the overall quality of training was highest for community education providers (88.2%), closely followed by TAFE (87.5%), with universities and private providers about one percentage point behind TAFE.
And if you want to dig a bit more into the onshore graduate story, take a look at the summary findings or the infographic on NCVER’s site.