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OECD Recognises Best Practice Australian Career Service
The Australian Centre for Career Education (ACCE) has just been recognised for its Jobs Victoria Career Counsellors service in the 2022 OECD report, Strengthening Career Guidance for Mid-Career Adults in Australia, Getting Skills Right.
“Victoria stands out as a best practice in Australia, both in offering state-funded career guidance to all adults provided by professional career development practitioners, and in its efforts to actively reach out to adults who need support through the Jobs Victoria Mentors and Advocates programmes.” (p. 40).
In 2021, ACCE was selected as the sole provider of community career counselling by Jobs Victoria as part of its suite of funded employment programs. The service currently employs 36.5 FTE qualified, Career Industry Association of Australia (CICA) endorsed career counsellors who are delivering online and face-to-face career guidance in the community.
To book a free career counselling session call 1800 968 909 or go online here
Founded in 1975, ACCE is a thought leader in career education and development across Australia, a career subject expert, and a national association. ACCE is a not-for-profit charity and endorsed training provider of career practitioners and career professionals by the national peak industry body, CICA. It is also the largest supplier of career services to students and adults across the state of Victoria.
Each year, it delivers over 33,000 vocational assessments accompanied by a career interview to year 9 students in Victorian Government schools and equivalent settings for the Department of Education’s My Career Insights program. The Jobs Victoria Career Counsellors service supports any Victorian over 18 from any background including migrants, professionals, and unemployed people or those with disability. Over 8,000 people have received career guidance through the service since it was launched on 2 August 2021. Its clients include Job seekers, job changers, people returning to work or seeking more work hours, and those hoping to identify their career, skill, or study pathway.
As a service within the integrated suite of employment services offered by Jobs Victoria, career counsellors can link participants to other Jobs Victoria services and supports. Prior to being awarded the community career service, ACCE was engaged by the department to develop and deliver the training for its Jobs Victoria Advocates who navigate in the community connecting jobseekers to its services.
Following this, ACCE was engaged by the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing to train their Community Employment Connectors who are providing culturally responsive and individualised support to disadvantaged jobseekers to connect them with employment and training services. Their focus is on:
- young people aged 16-25 from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds who face barriers to employment and training pathways, and
- adults from CALD backgrounds who face barriers to securing sustainable employment.
The Jobs Victoria Career Counsellors service is currently looking for other locations in the community to deliver face-to-face career guidance.
If you have a location suitable for career counselling for adults, apprentices, post-school students, or employees, email Craig Eastwood at: craig.eastwood@ceav.vic.edu.au
If you would like to find out more about any of our projects or services, or how we can support your work or community, contact:
Penne Dawe, Partnerships and Development Manager, ACCE
Phone (03) 9433 8000
Email pdawe@ccca.edu.au
OECD (2022), Strengthening Career Guidance for Mid-Career Adults in Australia, Getting Skills Right, OECD Publishing, Paris, https://doi.org/10.1787/e08803ce-en.