A new working paper from the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop) and the European Commission has just been released. You can access it here.

It’s the result of the work of a project group set up by the European Qualifications Framework Advisory Group and the Europass Advisory Group in June 2021 to develop and agree on common guiding principles for structuring short descriptions of learning outcomes for the publication of qualifications in databases and registers connected to the Europass. (Europass is a set of online tools to help with creating CVs, cover letters and also help users to find jobs and courses in the EU.)

The aim of the work is to promote common principles and therefore a consistent structure and approach to develop short and synthetic descriptions of learning outcomes of qualifications for publication. Learning outcomes, as we know, are statements of what an individual should know, understand and/or be able to do at the end of a learning process.

These guidelines may be of interest to VET providers and Jobs and skills Councils alike in terms of developing good learning outcomes here in Australia. Anyway, we thought it was worth letting you know they were ‘out there’ – especially as we are trying to get a Skills Passport up and running here.