How many times have we all seen this on the news? Students leaving schools because they can’t get the support they need, many bright, young minds ending up feeling hopeless and useless. You’ve probably thought, “What could I do to help? How could I even begin to help?” Well, here’s something you can do.
The Young Assets Foundation’s project: “The Fitzroy Youth Homework Club” aims to address educational disadvantage amongst young people in Fitzroy and surrounding areas in Melbourne, targeting students from refugee and migrant backgrounds. The campaign to fund this project ends on 31 December – you can donate to the project here.
Founded in 1991 by the local community, and held in the Fitzroy Library since 2001, the Fitzroy Youth Homework Club is held after school from Monday to Friday during school terms. Each week provides 16 hours of support from fifty specialist volunteer tutors and is attended by 150 different students each year.
In 2021 the management of the program moved from Brotherhood of St Laurence to the Young Assets Foundation. And the focus shifted as well, now it will be providing mentoring relationships to assist students with transitioning into tertiary study and the workplace after completing high school.
The program focuses on secondary school students (Years 7 to 12) and university students up to the age of 25 whose first language is not English. Providing one on one and group tutoring, a well-resourced and culturally safe study space, and many activities to assist our kids with education and employment pathways, this project has it all. It helps develop leadership and life skills, provides mentoring partnerships, access to University and TAFE open days, and participation in a steering committee.
You can watch a short video of the project here.
The Project aims to accomplish the following:
- Increased commitment to and participation in education, particularly amongst secondary school students.
- Increased capacity amongst students to manage the challenges of their schoolwork, improved academic performance, and the development of language and literacy skills.
- Improved social and personal development outcomes, such as improved confidence/ self-esteem, and to the development of soft skills that can be used in further study and the workplace, such as social skills and resilience.
- Improved awareness and understanding of the study, training and employment systems and pathways in Australia, resulting in students going on to further study/training after Year 12
- Increased retention and engagement in education by offering students holistic support to remain engaged in education, including during key transition times.
- Empowered community and young people by supporting the steering committee with leadership opportunities and training.
So, “how can I help?” you must be asking. Just call 03 9412 0412 or email if you have any questions about the project, or if you’re ready to contribute!