The 31st No frills conference was held virtually in July. In this article we give you an overview of the conference. We will highlight a few of the conference presentations in later editions of VDC News.
The ‘No Frills’ conference theme was ‘VET’s role in transforming the future’ and in a previous edition of VDC News we highlighted the paper authored by Bridget Wibrow entitled ‘VET’s role in transforming the future.’ A paper on the conference theme is routinely published as a prelude and this one was interesting given where VET is presently and where it might go in the future.
Readers can access the relevant VOCEDplus site which summarises all of the available presentations. At this site you will also find the program for the conference and access the two keynote addresses: the first by Alex Jackson, executive designer at ThinkPlace and the second by Sophie Renton, a social researcher and trends analyst at McCrindle. Links to other Australian presentations and topics that may be of interest are provided below by giving both the title of the presentation and the name(s) of the author(s). These include those which were available when this article was written in late July 2022:
Integrating innovations at work and learning by Stephen Billett
Bridging life transitions: role of VET in supporting lifelong learning by Sarojni Choy, Leah Le and Stephen Billett
Journeying through VET: a case study of foundation skills learners by Michelle Circelli and Zhenyuan Li;
Strategies that increase online student engagement with content by Deniese Cox
School career practitioners and the guidance provided to students pursuing STEM careers in VET institutions by Melanie Evangelista
Delivering on quality VET delivery by Hugh Guthrie (with Melinda Waters)
Using behavioural messages to retain vulnerable apprentices and trainees by Derek Hennessy, Zuleyka Zevallos, and Michael Lau
Where to from here?: implications of a pandemic on VET training delivery by Sheila Hume and Tabatha Griffin
Enabling VET’s applied research capability to support Australia’s transformative future by Allison Miller
The future skills needs of service-based industries and VET’s role in delivering the skills by Silvia Munoz
Inequality in Australia: what can vocational education and training do to address it? by Don Perlgut
Vocational to higher education postgraduate pathways: short cycle upskilling for employed VET graduates by Craig Poole (and coauthored by Richard Pursey, Anne Moore, Joe Growth and Lachlan Seawright)
Reimagining digital skills for the manufacturing sector: an industry case study by Sharon Robertson, Philip Clarke and Geethani Nair
Understanding recent developments in VET and higher education: Australia and the UK by Erica Smith
VET teaching during 2020: COVID and beyond also Erica Smith with Daryl South
An employer led training model achieving results for Anangu workers employed by Regional Anangu Services Aboriginal Corporation (RASAC) on the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Lands (APY Lands) by Madonna Tomes and Janet Skewes
Services for Australian Rural and Remote Allied Health (SARRAH) and TAFE NSW: a collaboration case study in rural allied health and vocational education by Nerida Volker
and finally
Multiple VETs and future realities: a worked example of policy discourse analysis by Don Zoellner.
One or more of these presentations or topics highlighted above might ‘ring your bell’ so you can access the PowerPoint presentations by clicking on the relevant link.
We will highlight any other presentations that are added to this VOCED site in later articles as there are a few presentations at the conference that we are sure would be of interest to VDC News readers.