NCVER’s latest publication is an infographic entitled ‘Generation Z: life at 23.’ It “brings together information from LSAY (Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth) participants who commenced the program in 2015 and uses findings from their 2023 interviews to explore their engagement with study and work alongside measures of their health and financial stress.”

This is what it tells us

  • 61% are working, 24% are working and studying, 4% are studying and 11% are not working or studying
  • In terms of completed qualifications, 34% have a higher education qualification, while 28% have a VET one. 38% currently have no qualification. Of these, 59% are not studying while 41% were
  • In terms of employment status, 85% are working: 47% full time and 31% part time. There is also information about employment status related to their completed qualification
  • Of those that are employed, 16% are working multiple jobs, 25% are looking for additional work or to change jobs, and 32% are part-time workers wanting more hours
  • Of those not studying or working 58% are looking for work while 42% are not. If they are not working, the reasons for this include being sick (36%), having home duties (24%), having time off – including travel and holidays (15%) and 12% undertaking informal studies
  • In terms of their finances, 37% were in financial stress in 2023 and as a consequence of their shortage of money 22% did not get medical care, 19% went without meals or could not pay their utility bills (19%), and finally
  • In terms of their living arrangements and health, 55% were living at home, 83% were in good health and 42% exercise regularly.