International speaker on March 8th
Federation University is mounting an event, open to all VET practitioners, at the VDC on Thursday March 8th from 2.00pm-4.00pm, featuring international expert on VET teaching Professor Kevin Orr. Kevin, Professor of Work and Learning, is currently leading a national project in the UK on the topic of subject-specialist pedagogy in VET – the different teaching and learning methods that are best suited to teaching training for different industry areas. Huddersfield University has long been a leading VET teacher-training institution in this area. Kevin was a teacher in the Further Education system for 16 years before becoming an academic. This event will be of interest to VET teachers/trainers, professional development staff, program leaders, and those involved in teaching the Certificate IV TAE and Diploma of VET.
The event is sponsored by the VDC, Federation University, and the Australian Council of Deans of Education Vocational Education Group (ACDEVEG)
Details of the seminar:
Government agencies with responsibility for England’s further education (FE) sector have actively promoted and even required subject-specialist elements within teacher education programmes. While extolling this approach they have, however, never adequately defined what constitutes subject-specialist pedagogy nor explained how it might look in FE teacher education courses for VET teachers. The project set out to explore the topic further and produce useful resources.
This presentation and workshop will critically examine subject-specialist pedagogy in FE and it will draw on findings and resources from an intervention study of teacher education for vocational science, engineering and technology. This intervention for trainee teachers as well as teacher educators was based on concepts associated with subject-specialist approaches including Pedagogical Content Knowledge and it combined on-line resources and teaching with paper-based resources and face-to-face sessions. Participants will have the opportunity to see these resources.
Senior practitioners from the VET sector will form a panel of discussants to comment on possible application to Australia, and participants will have the opportunity to join in the discussion.
When: Thursday, 8 March 2018
Time: 2:00pm – 4:00pm
Cost: Free
Location: VET Development Centre, Level 8, 379 Collins Street Melbourne
If you would like to register, please email Telephone enquiries may be directed to Erica Smith on 03-5327 9665