Linking industry stakeholders and the VET system is central to its work
The Australian Industry Skills Committee (AISC) has two important roles. As the AISC’s website explains, the first role is to advise ‘Commonwealth and State Industry and Skills Ministers on the implementation of national vocational education and training policies.’ The second role is to approve ‘nationally recognised training packages for implementation in the VET system.’
A communique is released after AISC meetings which are usually held four times each year. The communiques are short on detail but worth scanning as they offer an outline of changes ahead. All communiques are available for download here.
Decisions from AISC’s June 2017 meeting
The communique from the June 2017 meeting lists two items of particular note.
First, AISC is considering changes that will ‘improve the speed to market of new training products.’ We may be about to witness the end of longstanding frustrations about the plodding pace of approval for new and amended training packages and qualifications. That would be a positive change for the sector.
Second, AISC is making a priority of ensuring the training system is more responsive to the needs and interests of people who have a disability.
The VET sector makes an essential contribution to the life chances and wellbeing of Australians who have a disability. It is a positive sign that AISC is seeking out practical ways to maximise that contribution.
Demystifying VET through good practice case studies
One of AISC’s jobs is to ‘demystify the vocational education and training (VET) system.’ There is no doubt outsiders to the system struggle to make sense of its structures and processes.
Among other demystification strategies, AISC is producing case studies about good VET system practice for engaging with industry.
Two case studies are now available. The first, Beefing up our meat industry, describes the economic importance of the industry and explains how the training system is a key element in its continued success.
The second case study, Servicing industry to provide the skills it needs, charts the training package development journey from identified need to approval. The case study focuses on reviewing and modernising the pharmaceutical training package, though the steps along the way apply generally.