Bernadette Gigliotti

Bernadette Gigliotti

CEO, Australian Centre for Career Education

Bernadette Gigliotti is the Chief Executive Officer of the ACCE. The ACCE is a founding member of the Career Industry Council of Australia (CICA) the national peak industry body for career practitioners in Australia.

Bernadette is a professional career development practitioner with over 25 years professional practice in careers counselling in state, catholic and independent schools. She is a professional member of the ACCE and CICA and also holds membership with the National Career Development Association of America (NCDA) and the International Association of Educational and Vocational Guidance (IAEVG).

The ACCE is a national subject association and thought leader in career development. It represents career practitioners in all sectors.

Bernadette has held the position of President, Vice President, and Secretary at both the ACCE and CICA. Her work on these committees has assisted in the introduction of Professional Standards for Australian Career Practitioners and led to the development of The Australian Blueprint for Career Development Competency Framework.

Bernadette was the lead developer of the Victorian Careers Curriculum Framework, designed for use with young people aged 12 to 19 years of age. She has delivered professional development to students, parents, and teachers, and has also represented career practitioners at state, national, and international forums.

Bernadette believes that all young people can build a future career and they should be acknowledged for the contributions that they can make to building a better society for everyone.

© VET Development Centre 2020