The VDC was recently privileged to host Ms. Sri Valli Suppiah, Senior Principal Assistant Director Industry Liaison and Employability Division Department of Polytechnic Education Higher Education Ministry Malaysia. Sri is the recipient of the 2016 Australia Malaysia ‘Towards 2020’ Scholarships Executive Award. The objective of the Scholarships is to support Malaysia to engage in professional development opportunities in Australia and to build skills and knowledge in the Sri’s area of expertise, VET. VDC tailored a Program to meet Sri’s professional goals as well as her Department’s needs.
VDC arranged Sri to visit the Building Leadership Simulation Centre (BLSC), Kangan Institute Automotive, attend our VDC VET Thought Leaders Function with Jimmy Pham, the VDC Funded Project Final Meeting as well as some of our professional development webinars. It was an opportunity for Sri to learn the VET models that will be relevant to the teaching and non-teaching staff in Polytechnic in Malaysia.
We are also very proud and wish to congratulate former VDC CEO Denise Stevens on receiving the much deserved National Achievement Award at the Australian Training Awards in Darwin last Friday 18 November 2016. The award recognises Denise’s outstanding contribution to the VET sector.
Martin Powell
Chief Executive Officer