2019 VDC Thought Leadership Series presents an opportunity for VET professionals – including executives, managers, coordinators and practitioners – to engage with industry consultants, education experts and academic researchers about VET sector’s cutting-edge topics and beyond. The Series showcases the latest in academic research paired with industry and practical advice from the VET Sector and beyond.
All VDC Thought Leadership Seminars are free and are followed by an opportunity to network at morning tea.
Seminar 1 Design Factory Melbourne – Creating the conditions for innovation
15 March 2019 at 9am – 10am followed by morning tea at VDC Level 8, 379 Collins Street, Melbourne.
In the increasingly changing world universities are challenged more than ever to provide relevant education and research whilst being connected with the society and industry. Demand is growing not only for new multidisciplinary industry-engaged educational programs and curriculums, but also for universities to transform themselves to become more innovative, agile and resilient.
Join Tiina and Pauliina from the Design Factory at Swinburne University in unpacking an experiment around staff training in creative problem-solving which introduces new ways of working in supporting the transition towards an innovative enterprise.
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