If you are looking for a quicker and easier way to manage your team’s Professional Development (PD) and Trainer Files, or to find trainers and skilled workers when you need them, ResourceCall may be your answer!

ResourceCall is fast-becoming the cloud-based connection service for all your VET sector PD management and trainer resourcing needs. It’s fast, efficient, low cost and now includes real-time, audit-compliant PD & Trainer File management tools. All your resourcing and PD management tools in one place and accessible anywhere, any time.

Learn more about PD & Trainer File Manager in the short video at


ResourceCall offers a free 60-day trial of their PD & Trainer File Manager plus services such as online staffing through work Call-Outs, a free Job Board, a training room hire board and professional development (PD) course connection service from leading PD providers.

ResourceCall is passionate about connecting RTOs and skilled VET sector workers to each other and to other valuable services within the sector.

Established in 2015, ResourceCall.com.au is based in Melbourne with a team of passionate people working around the clock to help VET sector employees and employers across Australia connect and deliver.