The VDC is holding the second seminar in our 2018 Thought Leaders Series on Friday 25 May 2018 at the VDC Level 8, 379 Collins Street Melbourne. This free event will be presented by Karen Dymke, who has over 20 years’ experience and is highly knowledgeable and well respected in the VET space.

Karen is currently a lecturer at Latrobe University in Alternative Education, a frequent and well regarded presenter for the VDC and travels nationally presenting the latest research on progressing student learning and achievement to educators.

In this seminar Karen will present and discuss the findings of an International Specialised Skills Institute Fellowship that was undertaken in 2017.

Karen and fellow researcher Cate Thompson travelled to Europe as a part of the Fellowship to identify best practice in Europe that could inform current Australian research including the Victorian Adult and Community Further Education (ACFE) strategy ‘Effective Approaches to Re-engagement’: ‘Outreach and Engagement’ and ‘Teaching and Learning’.

They researched effective methods that would translate into practical application and ultimately increase in the numbers of disadvantaged, unemployed adults engaging in initial training, moving into VET or equivalent programs that pathway into sustainable employment.

Click here for more information and to register


Martin Powell
Chief Executive Officer